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We make beautiful, delicious, plant-based cakes.​

No dairy. No gluten. No refined sugar. No nonsense!

We concentrate on full flavours, using raw and organic ingredients.



I'm Zowie, the little lioness behind Little Roar, here in Bristol, UK.

I LOVE eating and creating delicious food. My previous background was as an Arts Teacher and Forest School Leader, before deciding to seek solitude in my kitchen! Rewind even further then that, I spent a lot of time managing Juice Bars, working in cafes, festival catering, health food shops, record stores and working with Oxfam.

Throughout all of that time, I always had a sideline passion for making and eating cake, and would become known for setting off overly sensitive fire alarms in the early hours of the morning after nights out and sudden splurges of enthusiasm to turn on some music and bake a cake! - Perhaps this is what led me to keeping it raw... ;)

This fusion of my loves and history, alongside an avid interest in exploring good health, adventure seeking, passion for the planet, people and politics, birthed Little Roar.

I picked up £10 blender from the Marie Curie Charity Shop on Gloucester Road, bought a second hand freezer off eBay and a battered old stereo and was good to go.... a lot has changed since then, although whizzing blenders, humming freezers and a blaring stereo remain at the core of what I do!

07877 091580
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Last Updated
November 24, 2024
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